Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Much To Pay For Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening costs - especially these days - are high enough to deter some people from their goal of having that beautiful white smile. And, at almost $500 for the complete treatment, unless you're a dentist - or married to one - you probably don't have the extra funds lying around to even think about it. And furthermore, everyone knows that this service isn't covered under most dental policies. So, are there things you can do to whiten your teeth, that you can actually afford? Well, yes! And here is a short list for you:

Over-the-counter whiteners - There are many teeth whitening agents you can get at your local retail pharmacy - and if you were to buy all of them at once, the cost wouldn't equal half of what you'd by paying to have your dentist do it. In fact, the cheapest product - the paint-on gel - is definitely priced under $10. And, as we have all experienced before - sometimes cheaper isn't always better.

In addition to being the weakest link in the store-bought whitening category, it also falls into the "not convenient to apply" category. Things like gel that collects and thickens on some teeth, yet slides off others, is a common problem reported by consumers. But the biggest complaint is, the product doesn't really make that much of a difference in the way your teeth look - and it leaves a disgusting taste in your mouth, as well.

Whitening strips - Some people swear by whitening strips in regards to brightening up their smiles by a several shades. However, it is a bit more pricey than the paint gel - ranging anywhere from $15 to $20 - unless the brand you pick is on sale. And, you have to learn how to correctly apply the proper strip to the appropriate upper or lower set of teeth or you'll end up wasting a few of them. Once you get this down, however, you're home free after approximately 10 to 15 minutes - when the whitening is done, and you can remove them.

Although, "tastier" than the gel paints, the flavor of the strips still aren't great, but the good news is that you can get used to it without feeling too nauseous. Some companies now make flavored strips that do the whitening, then "dissolve" right on the teeth. The only problem with this is, the product tends to melt completely off on some teeth, and gunk up on others - just like the aforementioned paint-on tooth gel. But the important thing is, if you follow the directions for using them, you WILL start to notice your teeth getting whiter in no time!

Mother Nature's secrets - And, there are even some natural ways to whiten your teeth - ways that cheap and easily found at your local grocery store! You mix baking soda with salt - then dip your toothbrush in a bit of hydrogen peroxide, and use it like a toothpaste. After awhile, your teeth will start to get whiter - thanks to the hydrogen peroxide. However, be careful not to brush too hard as baking soda is a bit on the abrasive side, and can harm your enamel.

And there's even a aromatic way to spit shine those pearly's - just rub each tooth down with the inside of an orange peel. This is said to work amazingly fast, however, you can damage your teeth if you're not careful - as citrus contains acids that wear the enamel down. So, if you are going to use this system, make sure after you "rub", you "rinse" really well.

So now you know some cheap ways to get around high teeth whitening costs. Try several of the suggestions, until you've found the one that works best for you. And, if none of these do the trick, just get online and search around until you find one that does!

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